August 7, 2024

How to find comfort after a miscarriage

We are so sorry to hear you are experiencing a miscarriage. A rollercoaster of emotions is completely normal during this time and it’s important to remember that there is no “right” way to feel.

How to find comfort after a miscarriage

We are so sorry to hear you are experiencing a miscarriage. A rollercoaster of emotions is completely normal during this time and it’s important to remember that there is no “right” way to feel. Whether your pregnancy was 4 weeks or 19 weeks, every person is allowed to grieve and express this grief in their own way. So, how do you find comfort in this sometimes isolating journey? This article will help guide you to get the support you need – both physically and emotionally.

Do your best not to isolate yourself for too long, if you need time alone, honor that, but have your loved ones close enough to help out at a moment’s notice.

How to find comfort after a miscarriage

Surround Yourself With Your Tribe –

Do your best not to isolate yourself for too long, if you need time alone, honor that, but have your loved ones close enough to help out at a moment’s notice. This is your journey and an important process is pregnancy loss – something that can change you forever. You deserve love, respect, and nurturing. Grief turns us into a new human, sometimes it’s subtle and other times we may not recognize ourselves. Try not to cling to the person you were before, it’s ok to evolve. Remember you are not alone. Many women, including myself and my team, have been where you are and we are here for you. It can feel supportive to read other women’s stories to feel less isolated.

Emotional + Physical Support –

During your miscarriage, it is important to remember that you need both physical and emotional support. Even if you feel like you got this, allow yourself to let down your guard and feel whatever emotions come up. Your home is your sanctuary, use this time to settle in and honor the process your body is going through. You have to remember that your body requires healing, so although it may feel easier to distract yourself and continue with daily life, it’s a critical time to slow down and honor the process. Most importantly do not feel ashamed or feel like you have to hide the fact that you are miscarrying. Miscarriage has been a taboo discussion for many generations, but this narrative is starting to change. It’s important to talk about it and let people know why you need this time to heal.

There’s nothing wrong with you for slowing down. Your loved ones will be able to better understand why you need this time if you are open and honest. This not only supports your physical healing because you are permitting yourself to step back from your normal responsibilities, but it will also give you the time to grieve and process how this is affecting you emotionally. Find your comfort items (your favorite blanket, robe, slippers), pamper yourself, read a book, watch movies, journal your feelings, don’t hesitate to write down your broken dreams. It is normal to have feelings of guilt, anger, and despair. We can’t emphasize how important it is to honor this loss. This pregnancy was important, your feelings are valid, and no feeling is wrong.

How to find comfort after a miscarriage
Relax, indulge, enjoy
How to find comfort after a miscarriage
Make a self-care plan

Healing –

Here are some suggestions to make this healing process easier. You can purchase our curated boxes here to receive these items and start your journey to recovery.

More information on each of these items can be found here.

Physical Discomfort –

  • Heat can provide relief from cramping. You can use a heating pad, hot water bottle or a Nyssa hot pack insert that fits in the front of your underwear.
  • Movement of the hips and body can help to relieve tension and pain.
  • CBD can help with pain, tension, a roller version is easy to use on the abdomen and lower back. CBD Roll On by Leef Organics
  • Herbal Vaginal Steaming has been used for centuries to help clear the uterus post miscarriage. These herbs are specially chosen by Licensed Midwives to nourish, tone, heal, cleanse with many other benefits. Read more about the benefits of vaginal steaming here.
  • Peaceful Womb Tincture is a blend made up of herbs to help ease pain and discomfort associated with miscarriage.
  • Momotaro Salve, a vitamin rich, plant-based topical, safely works with your body to help balance pH and naturally supports your body’s natural ability to heal itself without disrupting hormones, pheromones, or medication.
  • Stay hydrated and fed. It is important to be eating warm nourishing meals with healthy proteins, fats, and food high in nutrients. Avoid inflammatory and dehydrating foods. An electrolyte drink to support your nervous system, relax muscles, assist in properly rehydrating you and help you replace the essential minerals your body needs can be found here.

Emotional Support –

  • Organic essential oils such as Frankincense,Clary Sage, Geranium, Ylang Ylang,Orange can help with feelings of shame. It also gives you feelings of peace and overall wellness. Reduce feelings of anxiety and stress to ease your mind. Helpful for contractions and with the healing process during loss.
  • Gan Mai Da Zoa Tang simple yet powerful 3,000-year-old traditional Chinese herbal formula designed to treat anxiety, uncontrollable crying, depression, restless sleep, heart palpitation, somnolence, melancholy. Nicknamed ‘Happy Tea’
  • Journaling can be very healing and assist in honoring the loss of a child. The good grief journal has beautiful ways to help with prompts when you don’t know what to write.
  • Rose Quartz is the crystal of peace and unconditional love. Rose Quartz calms us, opens our hearts, and brings deep healing and self-love; especially in times of grief. It can be used for those who have experienced loss and trauma, as it brings emotional balance, security, and peace. Holding this stone while speaking positive affirmations can bring great comfort and strength.
  • A Ceremony can help create a way to commemorate this day, some may find it healing to have a burial, or ceremony with their partner to honor the journey.

For additional support, please reach out to your local birth center or midwives. They are there to answer questions, provide additional resources, and help you through this process.

Be well xoxo