A Miscarriage Story – Kristin K.

This was written after my first miscarriage –

I woke up sad | angry <<< I had a dream I was pregnant and when I woke up to the realization I no longer was, I cried. Uncontrollably. I found comfort in the messages & comments so many of you bravely left for me . . . sharing your stories of loss and heartache, but { continued faith to keep going } Miscarriages happen more often than we care to admit and I was once again hit with the harsh, but comforting reality [ 1 in 4 ]

>>> I AM NOT ALONE <<<

So, I got up, got dressed, put on mascara, cried, washed my face, tried again (2 more times) then finally looked at my dogs and said “EF IT!… A WALK IT IS!” As I started to walk, I began to cry. The harder I cried the faster I walked. My walk quickly turned into an “almost run” (and this girl does NOT run! I might power walk for a bottomless mimosa bar, but that’s about it)

So inevitably, I ran out of steam. I sat down near the river, defeated. I looked up between tears (let’s be honest, straight ugly crying) to see Doesha gently nudging a pinecone in my direction, begging me to throw it- while not sure rolled around in the grass like the happiest cow-dog ever. >> I couldn’t help but smile. I’m alive! My dogs are happy! My business is growing! It’s a beautiful day, I am loved and LIFE IS GOOD ((( so of course I did what any normal person would do, I took a picture )))《 S I L V E R • L I N I N G S 》are EVERYTHING!!!!

Don’t get me wrong, SHIT SUCKS!

But, if we can try to see the positive in the midst of all the bullshit, then we are WINNING! Focusing on the good doesn’t make the bad stuff any easier, but it does shine light on the fact that this is OUR LIFE, OUR JOURNEY and it is OUR CHOICE to keep living, to keep being, to keep loving, to keep trying, to keep winning!

♡ Friends, no matter what life throws your way, your story is not over! I encourage you . . . KEEP GOING! Cuz let’s face it, if you are still reading this, I applaud you! —> YOU ARE A WINNER <—

Kristin K.
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